“Green Torch” Exhilarates Us with the New Premiere!
The theatre “Green Torch” is celebrating its 20th art anniversary. It has been a hard time, however the theatre has never given up and continues to work with all its might ever more. This year it has already had a premiere with a lyrical composition “Dostojevskij in Vilnius” on the stage of the Russian Drama theatre during the Republic theatre festival and has been given the Gran-pri for the best lyrical composition of all. This time the theatre comes with the premiere of the classical comedy the “Uncle’s Dream”, based on the novel of F. Dostojevskij. Besides that the “Green Torch” is having being prepared another two performances for the great International festival this year on the 24th of May. All the theatre loving people are solemnly invited to be the first viewers of the “Uncle’s Dream”. The performance will take place on the 24th of March and will be held in Russian language.
Permanent partners and friends of the theatre: “Youth Initiative Group”, Russian Culture centre.